Community radios disseminate pertinent and up to date information through airwaves and reach larger population across the country inspiring social transformation where justice and peace prevail and human rights are respected and protected. Community radios encourage communities to resolve their conflicts through peaceful means.
Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (ACORAB) Nepal is the umbrella organization of 360 community radio stations spread across the length and breadth of Nepal. It is registered under the national directive act 2018 in 2002 with the status of a ‘national professional organization’. ACORAB is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council as a non-profit-making organization. It has been working in the area of social empowerment through community broadcasting.
Community radios are entirely different from commercial and public broadcasting radios as they serve rural communities and work to enhance the rights of marginalized and disadvantaged communities. They produce and broadcast content that is relevant and important to local audiences who are often overlooked by the other broadcasters. Community radio stations are owned and operated by local communities. Community radios are non-profit and non-political organizations that work towards enabling communities to tell their own stories thus mitigating the barriers of communication.
ACORAB operates its’ Nepal’s largest community media network – the Community Information Network (CIN) -- linking all community radios of the country. CIN is served ably by a professional team of radio journalists along with more than 360 reporters contributing from every nook and corner of the country. CIN produces and distributes national news bulletins and educational radio programs on different thematic issues on a daily basis.
ACORAB has declared the radio campaigns against Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP) such as Child Marriage, Gender Based Violence, Dowry system, Caste Based Discriminations, Bokshi (witchcrafts) and Chaupadi* practices since 2015. CIN in collaboration with various development partners has produced and broadcasted innovative radio programs on “Community Mediation”, “Community Journalism”, “Girls Empowerment”, “Buhari (daughter in law) Empowerment” through Journalism, etc.
ACORAB is democratic organization led by an elected central committee. It operates out of a well-equipped secretariat staffed by a team of professionals under the leadership of the Executive Director. It’s annual programs and budgets are approved by an annual assembly of members and a new leadership is elected every three years through a democratic election process. ACORAB has an inclusive board and human resource structure with representation from Dalit, Janajati, Madeshi, Women and other marginalized communities.
Connecting people for dignified and prosperous life through value based radio journalism
Reliable, trustworthy, professional community radios to connect the grass root with government for strengthening of democracy, peace, environmental and social justice in the country.
The main goal is to promote community broadcasting as an authentic and trustworthy source of information for community people, that empower them to unleash positive potential of natural and social resources to create vibrant, pluralistic and positive society.
Specific Objectives
- Develop institutional capacity of community radios
- Develop capacity and professional security of the radio journalist
- Promote moral & ethical values and professional journalism
- Strengthen democracy, peace, human rights, social and environmental justice.
Organizational Values
ACORAB, Nepal adheres to organizational values that guide its staff and members with a set of common beliefs. Organizational values of ACORAB from which its members and staffs are guided are as below:
- Integrity
- Diversity
- Accountability
- Empowerment
- Excellence
- Balanced
- Fairness
- Dedication
- Community
- Communication
- Community radios as the main source of strength
ACORAB works with national and international public and private organizations that share common objectives with a purpose of service, empowerment and awareness of citizens:
- ACORAB is a member of World Association of Community Radio (AMARC),
- Associate member of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
- Associate Member of Asian Institute of Broadcasting and Development (AIBD).
- It has very smooth relationship with the various broadcasting organization of Asia-Pacific regions.
- ACORAB has strategic partnership with BBC World Service Nepali Sewa to broadcast the Nepali News through CIN satellite.