Joint Monitoring Visit Program at Surkhet and Janakpur
Promoting Inclusive Resilience and Accountability through Youth Association Strengthening’ (PRAYAS)

‘Promoting Inclusive Resilience and Accountability through Youth Association Strengthening’ (PRAYAS) seeks to strengthen the role of CSOs as both actors of governance and implementers. The specific objective of the project is ‘to strengthen the role of Youth-Led CSOs (YLCs) to effectively engage youth and other marginalised groups in local Climate and Disaster Resilience (CDR) processes in Nepal’s new federal context,’ which will contribute to the overall objective of ‘Comprehensive CDR at municipal, provincial and national levels through inclusive and youth-responsive governance strengthened by strategic youth participation and leadership.
Joint Monitoring Visit is a part of this project activities where all the partners had contribute in sharing of the efforts on analyzing current project issues, best practices, learning and recommendations to the different municipalities and ward of Surkhet and Janakpur.
In Surkhet and Janakpur at the ward level, ACORAB conducted a combined monitoring visit program in coordination with AYON and FSCN with support from VSO Nepal. ACORAB had arrange a monitoring visit after the municipal and ward levels have established CDR mechanisms. Analysis of current concerns, best practices, lessons learned, and suggestions from the ward, municipality, YLCs, and youth group are the main goals of joint monitoring. Volunteers from the media supports in compiling vox pops, conduct interviews, produce radio reports, and gather public voices based on shared monitoring.